Sunday, April 27, 2008

Richard Hospitalized April 23, 2008

Dear Family and Friends of Richard:

This blog is set up to inform everyone about the heart attack Richard suffered on April 23, 2008, his current health situation and his future progress.  From what is known today, Richard's attack was severe and he is now hospitalized at Mount Sinai in New York.  Richard is not currently conscious and his team of doctors is tracking his progress, both to the damage his heart may have suffered as well as to any possible brain trauma due to the deprivation of oxygen during the heart attack and through the time the paramedics stabilized his condition.

In the coming days, the doctors are going to wean Richard off of several medications in order to determine any neurological damage and to see if he is able to regain consciousness on his own.  As well, the doctors will continue to track the status of his heart.

Richard's parents and numerous friends have been by his side since his hospitalization.  Your prayers and thoughts for Richard are greatly appreciated as he is in critical condition.  However, we all know Richard to be a fighter and we look forward to his continued strength as he perseveres through this tough health crisis. 

You are welcome to post comments to this blog and we will definitely share them with Richard as soon as we can.  As well, please feel free to check back as we will post updates regularly.


Anonymous said...

My dearest Richard,
How you would love to see the outpouring of support and love from your friends and your family. There is such a large network of people praying for you and for our family. Please feel that love, please hear our calls to you. Find your way back to us. We are here for you. Your sister, Linda

To those who love Richard -- he is in a battle for his life right now. We are grateful he is in such a good hospital and know that he is receiving great care. He is battling pneumonia and a collapsed lung, in addition to his cardiac and neurological condition. Thank you for setting up this blog. Linda

Anonymous said...

addendum to earlier posting: The news is better this afternoon (Sunday). Richard's lung is re-inflated and he is considered in critical, but stable condition. Peace to all. Linda

Anonymous said...

Dear Richard,
With respect to what Linda said above in the first paragraphy - DITTO.
Richard, no offense and with all due respect, but you are one of my very, very closest friends, and I love you a brother. Some times I even inadvertently call you Robby, my "real" brother's name. I rely on you so much for my own happiness and sanity, and have valued so much the times we've spent together, the trips we've taken, the dinners, brunches, talks and walks. I have many more trips and meals and tv shows and talks and movies and yes that jazz restaurant on University Place, planned for us to do together over the next few decades.
As Such, I implore you to come back to us - as soon as is prudent for the long term good of your health. I will be with you every step of your road to recovery....or at least every other step. I'm sure with your strength and determination - and when you decide something, you really get to work on it - you will overcome every obstacle that gets in your way.
When I look at you lying in your hospital bed, I see a strong, healthy and determined person, who will be bouncing back faster than anyone can imagine.
We are all looking forward to that moment, with tremendous anticipation, some trepedation, but mainly hope for you to resume your bright future.
Love Always,

Anonymous said...

Dear Richard,

Get well soon. We have a lunch date sometime this summer.

My thoughts are with you,

Sandman said...

I has been WONDERFUL to feel and see the outpouring of love and care from all Richard's dear friends. I do trust that Richard will take great consolation in being able to read and feel the warmth in these pages.

Richard we are WAITING axiously to hear your voice, to see the energy in your eyes, and to take comfort in your company. Godspeed in your journey back to us.

Anonymous said...

Dear cousin..
How our hearts feel for you. Our prayers are to our Lord constantly, all your cousins are looking forward to your complete recovery so we can visit with you and get together whenever life allows it.

All our love, Rosie

ruthy sierra said...


ruthy sierra said...

son tantos los recuerdos de nuestra infancia y niƱez que vienen a mi mente que solo me queda decirles que les amo mucho en verdad a cada uno en especial. Richy era un primo especial para mi y asi seguira siendo se que el esta en un lugar mejor y en la presencia de nuestro Dios , y que su primo querido le recibio tambien alla y ahora estan juntos, disfrutando junto con la demas familia . Confio en que Dios les confortara y recibiran esa paz que solo El nos puede dar. mis tios queridos les amo en verdad y quiero que sepan que lo siento mucho , pero tambien se que mi Dios me los cuidara y fortalesera siempre quiero expresarles todo mi amor y el de mi familia para todos ustedes reciban un abarazo y un beso de parte nuestra familia arreola sierra. ruthy